This is my personal activities diaries,notes related to art,photography & film making.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
US- film premiere in Salzwedel few observations
Steffen and me working on the German sub-title
Steffen leaves to catch some sleep
now I sit on my notebook to work
*fairly good job
I am happy that film will be understood by the audience
I put the timeline for rendering and take rest
keeping an eye on notebook
in case it needs my attention
Steffen returns
I told him -I have done most of the job
Steffen learend the little job of putting subtitles in the timeline
and I rest.
I need to make the final copy now
notebook is working hard
duration of the film is 1hour 14min
rendering in progress
some problem
software not responding
rendered video does not have sound
I export the film again
Frank arrived. suggests that we take the notebook with us
while it still working
with utmost care
tring tring
HD kept on the notebook shakes
softeware stops working
no rendering now
i have to project teh film from time line
on time in cinema
I keep cool
maintaining my sence of humor
Charlotte starts speaking
I talked to the audience
telling film is still not complete
I am calm and realestic
I see all my friends in the audience
I start the film
sitting in the projection room
it is not running smooth
I need to click the timeling again and again
the film is not running smooth
Notebook is exhausted
and it stops working
film is off screen
Vincents comes running
Notebook needs rest
we will render the timeline aafter some time
and play
Vincent takes over the notebook
and I join my friends in the cinema lounge
I meet the audience
Henrich, Nadine, Kim,
Mandy, Zachi,
Andreas, Ingrid,
Now I am much relax
Vincent will take care of the event
we return in the hall
Charlotte talks to the audience
Frank and me join her
I am answering the questions
telling the process of making the film
I am surprised my self
How I took the project
decided to do every thing on my own.
These 5 and half months
changed me a lot
I am happy that I got this opportunity
and learned many things well
My film is about all of US
screening starts again
I sit in the hall
Vincent is on the notebook
film runs smoothly
I am going through deep emotional cleansing
as I make my privet life public
I am prcticing to be truthful
and vlunrable
it is hard
but now I am on the way
I feel relax
Film is a surprise
even for people who saw it earlier
I am enjoying the magic of big screen
film ends
I hear the applouse
Charlotte wants me again in the front
I thank every one
and Call Vincent
Vincents waves me from projection room
and call him on the stage
Three people who made this project possible
Steffen joins us on the stage
I do not remember what I said to the audience
lots of applouse
thank you
Harpreet drops me home
in the apartment
now I can sleep
I went to sleep
Now I need to burn the dvd
for 26th sep show...!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Kontraste erleben: Indien trifft Sachsen-Anhalt
- 14. September 2012
- 12:05:20 Uhr
Zwei Kulturen, ein Filmemacher: Heute Abend wird um 19 Uhr im Salzlandmuseum in Schönebeck eine neue Ausstellung eröffnet
Kontraste erleben: Indien trifft Sachsen-Anhalt
13.09.2012 04:17 Uhr
Von Ulrich Meinhard
Einen Kontrast der Kulturen können Besucher einer Ausstellungseröffnung heute Abend im Salzlandmuseum in Schönebeck erleben. Der indische Filmemacher Ravi Shekhar präsentiert einen Streifen, der sowohl in Indien, als auch in Sachsen-Anhalt entstand.
Schönebeck l "Laptop und Beamer reagieren aufeinander. Das ist schon mal gut." Petra Koch, die Leiterin des Salzlandmuseums im Schönebecker Stadtteil Bad Salzelmen, ist guter Dinge. Die Technik wird zum Laufen gebracht an diesem Vorabend einer neuen Ausstellungseröffnung.
Zu der sind heute um 19 Uhr alle Menschen willkommen, die Interesse an der indischen Kultur haben sowie (und hier wird es spannend) miterleben wollen, wie sich der Kontrast zwischen dem Straßenbild dort und hier darstellt. Den Film hat Ravi Shekhar gedreht. Er beginnt mit einem Flusssufer und Plätzen voller Menschen. Geräusche von überall her. Farben, bunte Gewänder, Weihrauch in der Luft. Dann kommt der Schnitt: Eine weite, menschenleere Landschaft. Ein Auto fährt vorbei. Stille. Sachsen-Anhalt.
Wo sind die Menschen hin? Diese Frage hat sich Ravi Shekhar gestellt, als er im April in die Altmark kam. Die Kunststiftung Sachsen-Anhalt hatte den 53-Jährigen eingeladen und gewährte ihm ein halbjähriges Stipendium in Salzwedel.
Deutschland kannte der Inder bereits, allerdings den westlichen Teil. Der Osten war neu für ihn. Der Unterschied fällt dem Multimedia-Künstler auf, er meint: "Im Vergleich zu westdeutschen Städten gibt es hier noch Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten." Sehr viel größer aber ist der Unterschied zu Mumbai, der Millionenstadt am Ganges. Dort ist Ravi Shekhar zu Hause.
Gegenüber der Volksstimme beschreibt er es so: "In Deutschland, natürlich auch in den neuen Bundesländern, gibt es mehr Frieden, mehr Ruhe. Selbst kleine Städte, sogar Dörfer sind infrastrukturell sehr gut entwickelt. Alles scheint perfekt organisiert zu sein. Die Zuständigkeiten sind klar geregelt."
Beeindruckt hat ihn kürzlich bei einem Treffen von Unternehmern, dass jeder der Teilnehmer am Ende seinen Stuhl artig wieder in einen Nebenraum brachte. "Das würde in Indien nie passieren. Da gibt es Leute für niedere Arbeiten", stellt er fest.
Es sei nicht von der Hand zu weisen, dass die Lebensbedingungen in Deutschland eindeutig besser sind: "Es gibt mehr Raum, mehr Kommunikation, mehr Reisemöglichkeiten. Aber die Menschen hier sind trauriger. Das Toleranzlevel ist niedrig. Die Inder sind toleranter. Vielleicht können ja beide Seiten voneinander lernen", hofft Ravi Shekhar.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
stills from my film -US
(the film)
I do not exist alone. I am just a patches of many influences. City, school, collage, parents, friends, books, films, music, artists, authors, literature, language, space, places...the list is endless. this experimental film is about the visual and sound influences I have been living with for years. And the people and influences I have been gathering during my stay in Germany and travel to other countries. Life is all bout US. This is also about our taboos and fear- we avoid.
Ravi with wife Uma
Bed on the boat in Stockholm
We all need bed to sleep
Baumkuchen in Salzwedel
Gate to the other side
Oskar's first day at kindergarten
Frank Platte
German mother and child
Vincent got married in Indian vadic tradition in Salzwedel
Vincent got married in Indian vadic tradition in Salzwedel
Monika & Michael practice Indian tradition of meditation
Dust to dust
We are trying to present a new synthesis between East and West. The eastern methods are more
individualistic, more inward-going, and more concerned with solitude, aloneness, and the person.
They are meditative methods, more concerned with the person and his integrity. They are not group
The western methods are all group methods, and are more out-going, more concerned with
communication and relationships; with the group, and integrity in relationships, not in aloneness.
So what they can be reduced to is: the western methods are more concerned with love, the eastern
methods more with meditation.
These are the two polarities of human consciousness – love and meditation. Meditation means to
be alone, as if you alone exist. And love means that you are not, the other is; as if you exist only
in relation to the other, and there is no other exiStence. These are the two Polarities. and taken
separately they both become extremes, and both are dangerous.
The East has tried the first extreme – of meditation. It became life-negating and escapist – hence
the poverty, the ugliness. There has been no scientific progress in the East, because nobody has
paid any attention to society. All those who were interested in any search always escaped
In the West, the society has progressed. There is a better standard of living, more affluence and
comfort, more convenience, more health, and more life. But they have moved to the other extreme
and the individual has by and by disappeared.
individualistic, more inward-going, and more concerned with solitude, aloneness, and the person.
They are meditative methods, more concerned with the person and his integrity. They are not group
The western methods are all group methods, and are more out-going, more concerned with
communication and relationships; with the group, and integrity in relationships, not in aloneness.
So what they can be reduced to is: the western methods are more concerned with love, the eastern
methods more with meditation.
These are the two polarities of human consciousness – love and meditation. Meditation means to
be alone, as if you alone exist. And love means that you are not, the other is; as if you exist only
in relation to the other, and there is no other exiStence. These are the two Polarities. and taken
separately they both become extremes, and both are dangerous.
The East has tried the first extreme – of meditation. It became life-negating and escapist – hence
the poverty, the ugliness. There has been no scientific progress in the East, because nobody has
paid any attention to society. All those who were interested in any search always escaped
In the West, the society has progressed. There is a better standard of living, more affluence and
comfort, more convenience, more health, and more life. But they have moved to the other extreme
and the individual has by and by disappeared.
These two things taken separately are dangerous, because life exists in polarity. The whole
emphasis here is that there are no opposites, there are only complementary.
So meditation and love are not opposites, they are complementary. All religion should be life-affirming,
and life should be meditative.
So we are trying to create a synthesis, and it is not only an ideology – because that is not difficult.
This synthesis is really in the being of people who come here. A new synthesis is being tried and
much depends on it.
A world psychology has to be given birth to.
emphasis here is that there are no opposites, there are only complementary.
So meditation and love are not opposites, they are complementary. All religion should be life-affirming,
and life should be meditative.
So we are trying to create a synthesis, and it is not only an ideology – because that is not difficult.
This synthesis is really in the being of people who come here. A new synthesis is being tried and
much depends on it.
A world psychology has to be given birth to.
The East has succeeded in certain ways and failed in
others, just as the West has failed in certain areas but succeeded in others.
others, just as the West has failed in certain areas but succeeded in others.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Hiermit laden wir Sie herzlich zur Filmpremiere des Stipendiaten RAVI SHEKHAR (Mumbai/Indien) ein. (Eintritt frei)
Sein Videoprojekt „US” wird am Sonntag, dem 16.9.2012 um 19 Uhr im Filmpalast Salzwedel uraufgeführt.
Ravi Shekhar ist diesjähriger Christamaria-Meyer-Stipendiat des Fördervereins des Künstler- und Stipendiatenhauses das Altmarkkreises Salzwedel. Das Stipendium wurde von der KUNSTSTIFTUNG des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt finanziert.
Der indische Filmemacher lebt und arbeitet seit April diesen Jahres im Stipendiatenhaus des Altmarkkreises Salzwedel in der Hansestadt Salzwedel.
Ravi Shekhar schreibt über seine Arbeit:
„US” (der Film)
Ich existiere nicht allein. Ich bin nur ein Teil vieler Einflüsse. Stadt, Schule, Uni, Eltern, Freunde, Bücher, Filme, Musik, Kunst, Autoren, Literatur, Sprachen, Räume, Orte… Die Liste ist endlos. Dieser Experimentalfilm handelt von Bild- und Klangeinflüssen, die mein Leben seit Jahren bestimmen. Und er versammelt die Menschen und Einflüsse meiner Reisen und meines Aufenthaltes in Deutschland. Das ist das Leben von UNS. Es geht auch um unsere Tabus und Ängste, die wir vermeiden wollen.
Sein Videoprojekt „US” wird am Sonntag, dem 16.9.2012 um 19 Uhr im Filmpalast Salzwedel uraufgeführt.
Ravi Shekhar ist diesjähriger Christamaria-Meyer-Stipendiat des Fördervereins des Künstler- und Stipendiatenhauses das Altmarkkreises Salzwedel. Das Stipendium wurde von der KUNSTSTIFTUNG des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt finanziert.
Der indische Filmemacher lebt und arbeitet seit April diesen Jahres im Stipendiatenhaus des Altmarkkreises Salzwedel in der Hansestadt Salzwedel.
Ravi Shekhar schreibt über seine Arbeit:
„US” (der Film)
Ich existiere nicht allein. Ich bin nur ein Teil vieler Einflüsse. Stadt, Schule, Uni, Eltern, Freunde, Bücher, Filme, Musik, Kunst, Autoren, Literatur, Sprachen, Räume, Orte… Die Liste ist endlos. Dieser Experimentalfilm handelt von Bild- und Klangeinflüssen, die mein Leben seit Jahren bestimmen. Und er versammelt die Menschen und Einflüsse meiner Reisen und meines Aufenthaltes in Deutschland. Das ist das Leben von UNS. Es geht auch um unsere Tabus und Ängste, die wir vermeiden wollen.
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